1. Taxes on green products: entangled in the system
Taxation up to 50% on green products
Taxes on green products: falling harder on the poorest households
Carbon tax: risk of punishing the poorest
Exempting green products from taxation is a complex issue
Compensating taxes with arbitrary subsidies
2. A tax-free parallel market
A new tax-free market outside of the regular and black markets
Control with a green-currency exclusively in green‑accounts
Creation and exchange of green-dollars
Selection of tax-free green-products
Control of the green-accounts of voluntary green-corporations
No control for green-wage earners
The rest of the economy unaffected
3. A new gray-money to supervise the green‑market
A new gray-money within green-accounts
Introduction of gray-cents
Tracking fossil fuel consumption with gray-cents for voluntary corporations
Easier control of green‑corporations: gray-cents fit perfectly with green-money
Gray-cents for individuals: eye-opening
Ratcheting up the tax in gray-cents: maybe never
4. Make the rich pay more
Quotas of gray-cents
Quotas on consumption items and long-term assets
Corporations: just passing it on to consumers
A market for unused quotas: make the rich pay
Enhancing voluntary participation
A monetary solution to reduce inequalities and contain global warming?